ICS Traffic Agreement

How You Arrive and Leave ICS is Important

Follow the instructions in the official traffic flow diagram.

Everyone - parents and students need to abide by the entry/exit policy regarding driving through the neighborhood.

Enter the neighborhood on 111th and exit on 112th at all times. Do not enter the school on 112th in an attempt to bypass the line of traffic going into the school.

Parents and carpool drivers are not to pick students up or drop them off on any streets surrounding the school.

EVERYONE needs to make sure they heed all stop signs, both on public streets and at the campus exit.  (We have had videos of people not heeding the traffic signs).

Everyone must make sure that they obey the 25 mph speed limit on the neighborhood streets and the 15 mph limit in the parking lot.

Remember that the students have the right of way.  Please stop when a student wants to cross the street either in the driveway or at the entrance to the school.

When picking up or dropping off your student, please pull far forward so that other students and their parents can enter the school and also drop off.
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